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CAP Corner Guards listed as one of our Nations Top 50 Manufactures
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onWall and Ceilings Magazine has listed CAP Corner Guards one of our Nations Top 50 Manufactures for 2019

Functional Design
How many times have you been in a public setting, whether it be an office, hospital, or store, and noticed that the functional elements just do not work. Now they could be functional but do they work with the purpose of the space as a whole? Sadly, many times, the answer is a resounding “no”. [...]

Functional Architectural Elements
There are few things in architecture more overlooked than corner guards. Big surprise right? Generally, they are thought of as utilitarian and pedestrian accents for your walls and corners. While that may be true, the impact that a good corner guard can have on the integrity of your building is unrivaled. Which got us thinking, [...]